Blue Machine: How the Ocean Shapes Our World
All of Earth's ocean, from the equator to the poles, is a single engine powered by sunlight - a blue machine.
Human history has been dictated by the ocean; the location of cities, access to resources, and the gateway to new lands have all revolved around water. We live inside the weather the ocean generates and breathe in what it breathes out. Yet despite our dependence, our awareness of its totality is minimal.
A fascinating and awe-inspiring book about the ocean’s biology, physics, and humanity's complex relationship with it.
I really liked how Czerski structured her book. She doesn't just explain physical and biological processes driving the ocean engine—she shares her personal journey, canoeing through Hawaiian waters and discovering her own connection to the sea, all while peppering the narrative with a handful of historical anecdotes, jumping from the Roman Republic to World War II.