Launching Magit from IntelliJ IDEA
For a large portion of git operations I use daily, I find Magit’s interface much more convenient than git’s own CLI or IntelliJ’s UI. Although, I don’t use Emacs for all my coding projects, I’d like to have a shortcut to quickly open Magit for any git repository, either from a terminal or IDEA.
When I’m in a terminal and need to open a file or a directory in Emacs, I call the following wrapper, which I have in my $PATH
as emacsclient
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Bring Emacs frame to the foreground
osascript << EOF
tell application "System Events"
tell application process "Emacs"
set frontmost to true
end tell
end tell
/Applications/ "$@"
The wrapper simply brings the current Emacs window to the foreground and calls emacsclient
passing the arguments to it.
Now, to open Magit from a terminal, I have another bash script that opens Magit’s status view for the current git repository in the running Emacs.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -o errexit
git_root=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
emacsclient -e "(magit-status \"${git_root}\")" > /dev/null
Now coming to the IDE, I didn’t know that before but you can configure a third-party command-line application as an external tool. You can pass the project’s root or any of the predefined macros to it as an argument.

What more is that you can bind a shortcut to it.