My Favorite Personal Websites and Blogs

Here is the list of people with cool blogs that I enjoy reading. Although, all of them have RSS feeds, I highly recommend visiting their websites. They are all unique and awesome in their own way.

Can"t pick? Open a random one!

Chris McLeod

Chris is a software developer writing about blogging, indieweb, and programming

Cory Dransfeldt

Cory is a software developer from Camarillo, California that enjoys hanging out with his beautiful family and 4 rescue dogs, technology, automation, music, writing, reading, tv and movies

Herman Martinus

Herman is the creator of blogging platform and many other cool projects. He writes about his journey as a solo-creator, blogging, and writing.


JTR is another fellow Emacs hacker, that also writes about internet, blogging, and movies.

Jack Baty

Jack writes about photography, writing, software, and web technologies

Jacob Kaplan-Moss

Jacob is a software developer and co-creator of Django framework writing about people management, productivity, enineering

Jamie Thingelstad

Jamie is a technologist, leader, and family man with expertise in software, architecture, business, who actively contributes to the tech community

Julia Evans

Julia blogs about tech, hacking, and programming. She is the author of beautiful wizard zines

Kev Quirk

Keving blogs about indieweb, watches, and bikes

Manuel Moreale

Manuel is a freelance developer and designer writing about blogging, indieweb, and more. He is a person behind People and Blogs newsletter

Marc Brooker

Mark is an engineer at AWS, writing about engineering, system design and distributed computing

Niki Tonsky

Nikita shares his critical thoughts on programming and UI design

Rach Smith

Rach is a frontend developer writing about programming, productivity, mothering, and more

Robb Knight

Robb has just an amazing website. He is a person behind many cool projects, including EchoFeed

Robin Rendle

Designer and writer, in his blog he experiments with storytelling and browsers, rants about typography, and works in public

Sacha Chua

Sacha is an active member of Emacs community. She regularly publishes news from the community and shares her Emacs hacks and tricks.

Sara Joy

Sara is a web developer passionate about accessibility.

Sophia June Turner

Sophia is a software engineer with an expertise in programming languages

Check out for more blogs to explore.