
A colophon is a page or section (typically in a footer) of a site that describes how the site is made, with what tools, supporting what technologies, and often published on personal sites at a top level /colophon page.



I use Eleventy with a custom theme. I don't use any analytics or user tracking tools. The site is hosted in the Hetzner Cloud and is served with Caddy. The source code is at And I use GNU Emacs to author posts and edit the website's source code.


The site is built with Eleventy, a simple static site generator written in JavaScript. I like it because it provides a perfect balance of control and complexity. With it, I have control over every piece of the site and don't have to rely on a SaaS solution.

I use a custom theme with minimal runtime dependencies. The only external dependency is Source Serif 4 font, which is loaded from

All the content, including images, templates and styles, is in a git repository hosted at


I intentionally avoid using any analytics or user tracking tools. First of all, for privacy reason but also because I don't want your browser to load anything that is not related to the content of the website.


The site is hosted on a small shared Linux server in the Hetzner Cloud, which requires minimal maintenance and costs just 3.98 EUR per month.

The content is served using Caddy, an excellent, hassle-free web server with sensible defaults and built-in SSL certificate issuance.


GNU Emacs is my editor of choice for both coding and text editing.

I have a few bash scripts to automate editing and publication.